On 21st February 2017, the Association of Greater Manchester Local Medical Committees invited Jon Rouse, Chief Officer for Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership to deliver a keynote speech on enabling Primary Care Reform in Greater Manchester. Further discussion took place on the inspection of General Practice from the CQC as well as what support is available from the RCGP for those practices deemed to be in Special Measures. Finally we heard from John Patterson and Laura Neilson from Hope Citadel on their experience of achieving Outstanding General Practice. There is much for us to celebrate what is great about General Practice and the central role it has to play in helping the people of Greater Manchester to achieve better outcomes for all. We would like to thank everybody for helping to make the vent a success.
You can read a blog by Jon Rouse entitled Pinning our primary colours to the mast
Please note: due to some technical difficulties during filming a small part of the talk by Jon Rouse was lost. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. This was not intentional and does not detract from the main points that were being made. Please read his blog to provide further context.