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Welcome to The Association of Greater Manchester LMCs

The NHS is facing a huge crisis with cuts in public sector funding affecting healthcare and social care whilst we have an aging population with multiple co-morbidities and staff who are becoming increasingly disillusioned with increased bureaucracy and wasted opportunities. 90% of all contacts in the NHS are in General Practice. General Practice is unique because it has a registered population and lies at the heart of every local community. All GP practices have an electronic health record which supports delivery of care and helps to maintain quality and safety. Information and technology has a vital role to play as more and more of the general population now has access to the internet and use smartphones too. Increasingly we are seeing General Practices partner with other local care organisations including the voluntary sector and others in order to deliver services that better meet the needs of the population. At the same time, General Practice can help to activate patients and the public as well as staff to have a feeling of greater control of their healthcare needs, reduce the burden on the public sector and help to improve outcomes. When General Practice succeeds, the NHS will succeed.

GPC England non-statutory ballot – Vote YES

The ballot is now open and will close on 29 July at midday. To ensure you have a say you must:

  • be a GP contractor/partner member of the BMA. Non-members can join now for 3-months free membership 
  • update your personal and place of work details for all your roles – login in to update your details

Missing your ballot? Let us know. Read our full guidance on taking part in the ballot here.

We need all GP contractors/partners to vote YES to send a message to the Government that we are ready to stand up for a better service for our patients, and to protect our practices.

The ballot is taking place online and eligible members will receive an email from Your link to vote is unique and should not be forwarded as it can only be used once.

Attend a roadshow event or webinar find out more about the ballot and discuss and debate which actions your practice might choose to take.

Find out more

Important letter to all GPs and General Practice staff

GP Practice Premises Reimbursement Letter

Support Organisations for Health Professionals

Who are we

Local Medical Committees (LMCs) are the professional voice of general practice, made up of practising GPs selected by local GPs. LMCs are bodies recognised in statute which are in place to represent the interests of all local GPs and their teams. The Association of Greater Manchester LMCs, led by Dr Amir Hannan, has representatives from each individual LMC in Greater Manchester and has come together to be a bigger voice, a stronger influence on the rapidly evolving changes to Primary Care across Greater Manchester. We are proud to be active partners within the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

Providing specialist advice and guidance, the Association's focus is helping practices to secure their future. In today's challenging health and social care environment, it's a crucial role which the Association of Greater Manchester LMCs undertakes with passion, pride and professionalism.

The Association members meet Jon Rouse, Chief Officer of the GM Health & Social Care Partnership and his team 31/01/2017

Association of Greater Manchester Local Medical Committees with Jon Rouse, Laura Browse and Sara Roscoe from the Greater Manchester Health & Social Care Partnership

(Site updated 02/11/2022)
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